Stuttering doesn\'t necessarily mean poor oral skills
文章来源: 东坡居士2008-02-06 07:27:19
Stuttering doesn't necessarily mean poor oral skills. How do you PRESENT yourself? How do you HOLD your stutter?
Are you looking away, acting embarrassed, struggling, and thus, making the listener feel uncomfortable as they wonder how they should react? Or are you making eye contact, smiling, and openly laughing WITH your stutter-- letting them know that it's OK to talk about it--and that it doesn't hold you back. See: if, in YOUR mind, the stuttering is an impediment to success..something that makes it difficult for clients, employers, etc; to accept you--then so be it-- you will give that out...But, if in YOUR mind--- it's nothing-- then it will be nothing to the listeners-- In fact, dare I say-- it could even become an asset.