Revelation from life insurance
文章来源: 东坡居士2007-11-25 11:43:15
My friend invited me to his home for thanksgiving turkey dinner. I met several other friends. We talked about retirement, social security, 401K, lfe insurance etc. We believe that we could not rely on social security. When it is the time we retire, the social security either bankrupted or we got to be older than 70 years old. We came to the US very late and we do  not have much in retirement play. We might need to work life time and never retire.
We talked about life insurance. What is the life insurance for? Certainly, it is not for the person who bought it. It is for the benefit of his/her family and loved ones. Now, the society is seemingly full of self-ego, self-enjoyment etc. However, as a good family, husband or wife should consider each other more than themselves. This is why a family could be stable and flourish. I believe a family centered society is much better than a individual centered society.
I just could not imagine that there is such a man to enjoy his life by abandoning his wife and kids, even taking all the money from family and fleeting away!!!