Stuttering is just an annoyance ZT
文章来源: 东坡居士2007-10-25 07:28:35
For me personally, stuttering has indeed affected every area of my
life from romantic relationships to academic success. I'd say the only
relationships it has not affected are those with my dog and possibly
my online acquaintances.

I think stuttering is a highly underestimated's
ability to wreak havoc in a person's life is quite strong, and people
don't understand just how much it affects a person's spirit and
existence. I was talking to a friend of mine and I was telling her
that as a PWS, we have to look for little things to be grateful for to
endure through the days and I brought up the topic of, everywhere they go, they have to think about how
they will get into the building, if there is handicap parking or
ramps, etc. Now, replace that with a PWS who has to think about EVERY
time they want to say something and struggling for words, breaths,
dignity. I asked her to think of how exhausting mentally and
emotionally that is for a person trying to hide their stutter and she
said "Yeah, that does sound pretty exhausting." long as we
don't try to hide it, it really can be just an annoyance rather than a
full-blown debilitating disability.

I am not there personally, but I'm slowly but surely making progress.
Sometimes it's hard not to sink beneath that feeling of hopelessness,
but I really do feel I've been given a unique opportunity to
experience life and human nature from a different perspective than
most, and I intend to take full advantage of it.