儿女笑谈 45
文章来源: AMom'sNewLife2006-12-14 04:45:53

我常常会揶揄我那傻儿子: 当妈妈老了的时候, 是住在你家还是姐姐家呢? 如果你们的 wife or husband 不喜欢,妈妈还是自己住?

八岁时,儿子就说, 最好住在我的隔壁,我要给你买一个mansion.

并问我要几个 bathroom


儿子却回答说:你还要开 party, 还有aunt (我姐姐)要来住,你需要三个厕所。


他总是回答说:I will make big money, like one thousand, I will buy a mansion for you.. Sister will buy food for you!


儿答到:I want be a police or FBI.

除了贝比时,儿子总把自己当成电视录像里的男主角:王子,Superman, 各路英雄好汉之外,Police or FBI 就一直是他崇拜的偶象,直到今天还没改变.

说起wife or husband, 我的一双宝里宝气的儿女有过如此的讨论:

儿子八岁, 女儿十三。

儿子:I don’t know if  I will get married, I don’t have any girl likes me yet.  I have a crush on a girl, but she doesn’t know.

女儿:You are too little to think about marrige now. You don’t know what love means. That is not love, but likeness.

儿子:I’m worry how I could do if my wife is bad, should I divorce her?

女儿:Go find a christian, stupid?

儿子:I could not divorce, even I don’t love her anymore?

女儿:You should be responsible for your family, not only yourself.
