买车必看 8 买私车要小心Curbsiders
文章来源: HenryLi20072006-11-24 22:12:34
ZT from 51.ca

Curbsiders dupe consumers into buying their vehicles through a myriad of "stories".

"I'm moving out of the country,"
"I'm getting married and I really need the money"
"I'm getting a company car"
"It belonged to my Aunt, but she passed away"

The public buys from curbsiders because it may seem like a deal they can't refuse. Curbsiders claim that they only want to get their money out of the vehicle. They tell the purchaser that they don't want to make any profit, but little does the purchaser know the complete opposite is true.

According to a study in 2002 of the total number of vehicles advertised, a whopping 23.04% were advertisements placed by curbsiders, almost one out of every four advertised, accounting for 5,856 vehicles.

The “curber” percentage was consistent with previous studies from 1991,1992, 1993 and 1996 which were conducted throughout Ontario and which averaged 18 to 24%.

In a 1992 study in Barrie, it was found that over 40% of advertisements were placed by curbsiders.