7 Covenant renewed
文章来源: 提摩太2007-01-06 21:27:21
1. Great reading today: God renewed covenant with Abraham (sounds like Abram was reborn and got a new name). Although Abraham is called father of faith, he was by no means perfect. He made some human being's mistakes: lying about his marital status, took Hagar when Sarai offered, and when there was a fight in the house, he couldn't judge. Maybe he was extremely wise to do those things. :))

2. The LORD's prayer today! May holy spirit help me with my praying this year.

3. "Judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness,
       according to my integrity, O Most High. " 
   I wish I could say this to my LORD when my time comes.

4. Understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. Please help me whenever I am astray.