我的一些心得,和新手们共勉 ZT
文章来源: lei1232007-11-02 10:27:01

From DQ, backgroud of author is unknown.

Some result is very referencial to trade.

我的一些心得,和新手们共勉。 请高手们指教 (1)。  
来源: 1266 于 06-01-14 12:33:20
先说说自己,在医院工作。没有固定的时间上网,不能整天坐在电脑前。但每天都有一些时间看一下CNBC。 去年八月初进市, 当时纳指刚过2200。现在看正好进在最高点。有两个account. 各有10万左右。用了两种不同的 trading technique. 现在比较一下结果。 希望能学到一些经验。

Account #1:
目标。Sustain long-term growth. Will take small swing trade if chances are good. Avoid Serious Risk.
操作:Own 10 Stocks/ETFs at 10k each. Keep 5k to 10k cash reserve (Remember to sign up Money Market Reserve, which gives you 3% interest instead of nothing.)

Long Term Holding;
EWZ: bot at 26, Currently 38, up almost 50%. 年底还有2% dividend.
EWW: bot at 32 (9/05)。Now 38. up 21%. Dividend 1.5%
EWJ. Bot at 11 on 8/23/05, when it broke out of long term resistant of 11. 然后看好,破例加1万 在 12 (9/05)now 14. up 24%
EWA. Bot 19.4 (sep/05) out at 19.22 (12/05) with 1% lost.
EEM Bot at 85, now 95. gain 12% Dividend 1%

Swing trades.
Ovti: in 14, sold at 18. miss the hugh 28% 跳空。Enter again few days later at 20. exit yesterday at 23. total gain about 30%
Play. In at 22. out yesterday at 31. again 20%
Siri. In at 7.12, stop out at 7.19. no gain after commission. But avoid down side risk.. Looking to get in if it sustain above 200MVA around 6.35. Forge it if it ever close below 6.15
JDSU. Stop buy in at 2.80. stop lost below recent high around 2.75
TIE even now.
Cray. Bot at 1.38. took half position off at 1.80. will let the rest of it ride.

Bottom line
Total Gains 22k, translate to annual return of 55%. Commission paid around $250

1. 先要有明确的进市和出市目标。
2. 不要急于进市。但亦不要迟疑。 比如在EWW上,因为当心太overload 在南美的市场,虽然进市价很好, 犹豫了几天。进在32, 要不能进在28 左右。会有35% 的gain. 而不是20%, 而且后来回调在30 的时候没有那么大的压力。那时有几天大量的跌,而且是跌过50mva, 跌幅超过12%。 几乎要割肉。 因为决定了做长线。 继续持有。结果证明是bear trap. 转头后连创新高。进价如果是28的话,应该会加仓。
3. 跟风的trade, 一定要止损。不然的话就套在Siri上了。
4. Take profit when there are big gains. 觉的take profit 的时候最难决定。我出了ovti 和 play. 结果如何,还有待观察。
5. 虽然miss the 新年的大涨,但选好进价位是我比较看重的。回头压力小。 因为没时间整天盯着。宁可错过1000, 不要套中一个。

我的一些心得,和新手们共勉。 请高手们指教 (2)。  
来源: 1266 于 06-01-14 15:00:17
第二个account 是120K. 主要用来practice. 大部分是cash. (over 50%). 也是10个股票。比较aggressive. 结合long, short, 和option (非常的green, 就做了几手)。

ISRG. Biggest gainer of the year. 100%
ICE. In at IPO, 43, double at 35. closed day before yesterday at 45. total gain 14%. Whew!
MRVL. In at 45. sold before the new yeat at 58. miss the recent big gain. Damn.
CRXL. In at 22, add at 20. sold at 25. miss the rise to 30。 Oh well.
HPQ, GLW, DGIN 都被stop out with no gain.
Gern in at 10.25, cut lost at 8.77, down 15%
SGTL in at 20, cut lost at 15.5, down 25%
MCDTA in at 5.1, double at 3.8, cut lost at 3.65, down 40%. The worst trade of the year.
Current holding:
AAPL, MSFT, IBM. MO, JOF, CFW. AMD, and add INFY yesterday.

Shorted GOOG, SNDK, NVDA, WBSN. All cut lost. Thank god I only try just a few shares. 做short实在太难了。压力非常大。导致止损点非常close. 又都是high volatile 的股。全被震出。

AAPL in with 3k when aapl trade at 55. sold at 64, one day before expiration. Gain 6000
MOT in with 3k. Market turn south. Total lost
HPQ. .in 3k also. 被MM正kill 在 strike price 30. total lost.
Currently hold aapl feb 85 call. In the money.

Bottom line.
Gain less than 5k. much much more stress. Commission paid over 2400. 都帮broker挣钱了。

1. It is very hard for average trader to make money doing swing trades.
2. Continue to learn trading technique. Will try combine option and stock for some spread and straddle for delta neutral trading.
3. Easiest money is made by sustain long term investing. Don’t get hook up by some of the astounding profit claimed by someone here in the forum. You can get millions by playing lottery, but the chances are you loss money in the end.