Student Loans Are as Tricky as Ever
文章来源: lei1232007-09-12 08:16:09
The case is more similar with Bell internet service while I subscribe two years contract with them. 
I consult with rep on the phone and get several deal to compare.  in the end, I chose one I think
it is best, which is $17.98 per month for first three months.  When first bill coming, that is not what I
expect.  After call in, I got explaination is off $17.98 from regular price.  Put effort to General manager
in written.  No help.   Cancel get lost or get fine. 

教训是要多问几个 rep 问题是每次计划似乎都不一样
也就是你不可避免 因此唯一就是向 manager 确认之后在下单子

I call this practice as monkey business
Student Loans I guess involve same scheme
Order department simply cannot be trustable.  You only can use them to get deal and write it down.
Call in again and ask manager to deal same order.