PI's lullaby by 梨花侵梦
文章来源: 梨花侵梦2013-01-28 16:48:23

今晚来此有点动机不纯:强烈推荐一部好看的电影,Life of Pi.快录一首印度语插曲。好久没有这样对一部电影这么钟情了,我的歌是砖,期待你们去看那玉。

Pi's lullaby

Oh my love
Oh the delight of my eyes

would you not sleep my love?

are you the peacock or the plumage of the peacock?
are you the cuckoo or the cry of the cuckoo?
are you the moon or the light of the moon?
are you the eyelashes, or the dream?

are you the flower or the nectar?

are you the fruit or the sweetness?