做爱后, 请给我一杯水 zt
文章来源: 2006-08-23 00:43:26
做爱后, 请给我一杯水 送交者: 浦江客 忙碌了整个周末. 昨晚儿子睡下后才得空在沙发上坐下歇歇. 老公建议一起看一会儿“Good Will Hunting”. 这片子, 我以前在电影院里看过两遍, 很喜欢, 但里面有些对话总听得不太明白. 前几天VIDEO店大减价, 我干脆把“Good Will Hunting” 录像带买了下来. 这回可以细细地品味. 电影剧本是影片中的男主角Matt Damon 和Ben Affleck原创的. 我很难想象Ben Affleck那样的人能创作出那么深刻的剧本. Matt Damon倒象是一个比较有深度的人. 听说他前段时间很低调地结婚了, 妻子是一个侍应. Matt Damon应该是一个真正懂得感情的人吧. 片子不短, 昨晚没看完. 午夜时分, 只能关机睡觉, 第二天还要上班呢. 先生搂住我的肩, 我半个身体趴在他的胸口上. 我们这样依偎着, 谁也不说话, 静静地回味电影里的对白. 我思考着这一段: WILL问SEAN: “You don't regret meetin' your wife?” SEAN答: “Why? Because of the pain I feel now? I have regrets Will, but I don't regret a single day I spent with her… I don't regret the eighteen years we were married. I don't regret givin' up couseling for six years when she got sick. I don't regret being by her side for the last two years when things got real bad. And I sure as Hell don't regret missing that damn game.” 感人肺腑的一番话, 能无怨无悔地爱一个人爱一辈子是幸福的. 我又想, 毕竟SEAN和他的妻子幸福地生活了十几年之后, 他的妻子才得了重病. 如果时间倒过来, 他的妻子结婚不久就缠绵病榻, SEAN是否还会觉得幸福, 是否还会无怨无悔? 又想起这一段: SEAN跟WILL笑谈他的妻子半夜放响屁的事. WILL笑得眼泪都要出来了. SEAN说: “My wife's been dead two years, Will. And when I think about her, those are the things I think about most. Little idiosyncrasies that only I knew about. Those made her my wife. And she had the goods on me too. Little things I do out of habit. People call these things imperfections. Will. It's just who we are. And we get to choose who we're going to let into out weird little worlds. You're not perfect. And let me save you the suspense, this girl you met isn't either. The question is, whether or not you're perfect for each other. You can know everything in the world, but the only way you're findin' that one out is by giving it a shot.” 我想起先生的种种idiosyncrasies, 很有一些让人难以理解, 甚至无法忍受. 那么我跟先生到底是不是perfect for each other呢? 问题太沉重了, 我的眼皮也太沉重了. 我迷迷糊糊地睡着了.... 不知多久, 我做梦了. 梦里感到一阵阵的燥热. 我被热醒了, 发现自己还躺在老公的怀里, 老公居然还醒着呢, 一只胳膊被我压在颈下, 另一只手正上上下下地轻抚我 – 难怪我那么燥热! 我虽然还是睡意朦胧, 情绪却已被老公挑了起来. 自然而然, 我们尽情缠绵了一番. 尽兴之后, 我稍事清理, 倒头便睡. 我实在太睏了. 模糊中知道先生下床出去了, 管他干嘛去呢. 未几, 先生回来了, 我几乎已经又睡着了. 有冰凉的东西碰我的手. 我勉强睁开眼睛, 原来是先生给我拿来了一杯水. “渴不渴?” 先生俯身低声问我. 这一问, 我还真觉得好渴. 我接过水, 欠起身, 咕嘟 咕嘟地一口气喝了个干净. 真舒服. “Really appreciate it.” 我由衷地说. 先生躺下来, 再次把我搂进怀里. 我再次想起那个问题: 先生跟我到底是不是perfect for each other呢? 我又想, 什么样的男人会在做爱后想着给伴侣拿一杯水呢? 我想, whether or not we're perfect for each other, 因为这样一杯水, I will give it a good shot.