文章来源: 口水儿2012-09-08 11:49:53

还在读 The Success Principles, 我需要写出 all what I want. 记得我在sohu 上曾有过个博客,当时也要写出自己80个希望做的事。可是我花了一个多小时还有给姐姐打电话才找到了5年前的博客。看多年前的东西很有趣,搬家过来。

pet and human 2007-04-07

I went to church this Wed。As usually everyone will talk about their situation a little bit- what you want to pray or what you want to thank, and so on. Then when it was my turn, I said:
 "thanks god to take care of my dog, because many pet food were found out rat poison contamination; howeverthe food I give my dog and cats everyday are not in the bad list. Still my dog has allergies and scratches, I hope God can keep him being good"

Anyway, no one pray for me, ususally, people pray for each other,not just for themselves. No one even mentioned. I could feel they did not think it was a big deal to me. To them, they prayed for job searching or people sick or others, my pet children, they did not care at all.

Why do other people think about human will be priority then pets ?

Do I have a cold heart to human? maybe a little bit. I really do not care about someone who I do not know at all, sick or dying, whatever. We go to church, because "all of us have done, said or thought things that were wrong. This is called sin, and our sins have separated us from God", if this reason is true, then what about our pets? we all know how human made first sin, but why animal, so called no spirit, still God made, got same terrible fate? If Jesus loves human even because human are sinners, then Jesue should love animals more because they have not sinned.

2007-02-04 04:29

一个星期过去了,醒来时就开始这样如一的动作,打开台灯,抄起手边的书开始看 ,脑子里不愿想,只是这样读下去,别人的故事,别人的感悟,这是我所需要的吗?也许我只是不愿意面对自己的生活,不想去想那么多该做而又不想做的事。最辛苦的是眼睛,好在不太关心自己的形象,就这样模糊的瞅一下镜子里的人。





2007-01-24 | 帮与不帮


"喝了一口,就倒了..." 我是不期望她可以吐出个吉祥话,可是我还是很吃惊她的如此表现.两个小时的driving还有几个钟头站在那里cooking就得到了这句话.






 2007-01-24 02:52



