文章来源: 小花菜2008-05-15 22:47:51



今天一个做儿医的网友跟我联络,同意我尽早给阳阳做一下 evaluation。她说有时候排队要两三个月。她还建议我们给阳阳找 speech therapy,因为她的儿子有一些 speech delay,没有做 therapy,现在12岁,口头表达能力还是很差。她说 speech therapy 是不怕早开始的,如果 therapist 认为孩子没问题,就不需要做。她让我找 mchat 来做,是 "Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers",一共23题,阳阳 failed 5 critical questions and 9 other questions。他还不到16个月,可能到时还会有进步,但非常值得警戒。

I went to a bookstore and browsed some books on the subject. I am pretty sure that Yangyang has autistic tendency (or some similar disorder). I want to know what I can do while we are waiting for the official evaluation. I've learned 2 things.

1) eye contact is the most important. try to position myself so yangyang can look at me easily. make him use eye contact before giving him anything he wants, and then reward him.

2) eliminate distractions in the room.

Today I tried very hard to make eye contact with him. It used to be futile and frustrating, and I gave up after a while. Now I know what might be wrong with him, I welcome the challenge, and I am more persistent and I enjoy it a lot more. In the afternoon I took him to the play gym, and there was another baby girl of 13-month. I observed their differences. The girl often looked at me, smiled at me, and brought me stuff she found. Yangyang never initiated any communication with me. I didn't give up easily, and by the end of the day I feel that we had made some progress.

I hope that being his mom can be more purposeful.