基督里的自由 八 情感管理
文章来源: 苗青青2008-09-18 10:45:42

Session 8


Handling Emotions Well


Focus Verse


1 Peter5:7-8 : Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

彼得前书 5 章 7-8 节。你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为他顾念你们。 务要谨守,惊醒,因为你们的仇敌魔鬼,如同吼叫的狮子寻找可吞吃的人。



To understand our emotional nature and how it is related to what we believe.


Focus Truth


Our emotions are a product of our thoughts and a barometer of our spiritual health.




Would you describe yourself as an emotional person?


Tell the group about an event in the past that resulted in emotional pain or joy.




Suggested theme: God’s heart for His people. Isaiah 1: 10-20; Isaiah 40: 1-2; Philippines 2: 5-8.

建议的主题: 神对他的子民的心意。见以赛亚书 1 章 10-20 节,以赛亚书 40 章 1-2 节。腓立比书 2 章 5-8 节。。


We Can Directly Control How We Feel


Link between the Inner and Outer Person


Our soul/spirit was designed to function in union with our body. The obvious correlation is between the brain and the mind.

我们灵魂原本的设计是要与我们的身体和谐运作的。 最明显的相互关系是在大脑和心灵之间。

The brain functions like computer hardware. The mind is like the software. In the Bible the overwhelming emphasis is on the mind: choosing truth, believing the truth, taking every thought captive, and so on.

大脑像计算机硬件般运行,心灵好比软件。 圣经将压倒一切的重点放在心灵上:选择真理,相信真理,使每一个思想顺服于真理之下,等等。

What We Can And Cannot Control?


We cannot directly control our feelings but we can in fact change our emotions over time by choosing to change what we can control: what we believe and how we behave.

我们不能直接控制我们的感觉,但我们能够在一定时间里通过选择改变能改变的事情而改变我们的情绪。 这能改变的就是,我们所信的东西以及我们的行为方式。

Our Feelings Reveal What We Really Believe


Our emotions are to our soul what our ability to feel pain is to our body.

If what you believe does not reflect truth, then what you feel will not reflect reality. Life’s events don’t determine who you are or what you feel – it’s your perception of those events.

The more we commit ourselves to the truth and chose to believe what God says is true, the more we will see our circumstances from God’s perspective and the less our feelings will run away with us.


如果你所信仰的不反映出真理,则你感受到的也不能反映现实。决定你的人和你的感受的,不是生命里的各种事件 ---- 而是你对这些事件的看法理解。

我们越是将自己托付于真理,并选择相信神的话为真,就越能以神的眼光来看待周遭的一切, 我们的感觉也就越少跟随我们而跑。

Changing How We Feel


The main cause of stress is that we have come to believe through past experiences or failures that we are helpless or hopeless. But no Christian is helpless or hopeless.

压力的主要原因是过去的经历和失败使我们相信了, 我们是无助的,或者无望的。 但没有一个基督徒是无助或无望的。

Pause for thought 1

思考问题 1

Do you agree that it’s not your circumstances that determine how you feel but how you see those circumstances?

If you tend to feel overwhelmed by negative emotions, how might you start to make sure that you are looking at your circumstances in a healthy way that reflects what is actually true?



Following Feelings Makes Us Vulnerable To Attack


You don’t feel your way into good behaviour. You behave your way into good feelings 。 We start by choosing to believe the truth which works itself out in our behaviour. This then over time leads to a change in our feelings.

A failure to handle emotions such as anger (see 1 Peter 5:7-9) and anxiety (see 1 Peter 5:7-9) in the right way sets us up for problems.

你不是跟着你的感觉便产生良好行为。是你的良好行为给你带来好感觉。我们从选择相信真理起始,真理便会带我们产生好行为。假以时日, 这些变化就会导致感觉的改变。

不能正确处理像愤怒(见以弗所书 4 章 26-27 节)焦急(见彼得前书 5 章 7-9 节)这样的情感会使人出问题。

Three Ways To Handle Emotions


Cover It Up (Suppression)


Suppression is when we consciously ignore our feelings or choose not to deal with them. There are two problems with that---- it’s unhealthy and it’s dishonest.

压抑是我们有意识地忽视我们的感受或者选择不去解决它们。这有两个问题 ---- 不健康,不诚实。

Explode (Indiscriminate Expression)


Indiscriminate expression is unhealthy for those around us 。

“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”(James 1:19, 20).


“人人都要快快地听,慢慢地说,慢慢地动怒。因为人的怒气并不成就神的义。”(雅各书 1 章 19.20 节)。

Be Honest (Acknowledgement)


The healthy response is to be honest and acknowledge how we feel, first to God, but also to others.


Pause For Thought 2


Look at Psalm 109:6-15. Have you ever feel like David? Have you ever prayed like that? Would it be right to pray like that? Is there anything that you feel you could not say to God that He does not already know?

读诗篇 109 章 6-15 节。你是否曾经也像这时的大卫?你是否曾经这样的祈祷?这样祷告是否正确?有没有什么东西让你觉得,你不能够说给神,而神也不知道的?

Handling Past Traumas


God doesn’t want emotional pain from our past to influence us negatively today.

Children of God are not primarily products of their past. They are primarily products of Christ’s work on the cross and His resurrection. Nobody can fix our past, but we can be free from it. We can re-evaluate our past from the perspective of who we are now in Christ. God sets us free as we forgive from our hearts those people who have offended us.


神的儿女不仅仅是过去经历的产物,他们主要是基督在十架上所作的工以及他的复活的产物。没人可以改变我们的过去,但我们可以不被过去束缚。我们可以从我们今天在基督里的身份这个角度,重新评估我们的过去。 当我们在心中原谅了那些过去冒犯我们的人时,神便给了我们自由。



If you are feeling angry, anxious or depresses, do you think it would be better not to let that show to non-Christians around you in case you are a bad advertisement for Jesus Christ? Or do you think it might be better for them to see you as you really are?


Questions for Groups


1. Suppose someone has the power to take away the sensation of pain and offered it to you as a gift. Would you receive it?

2. Do you agree that it is not your circumstances that determined how you feel but how you look at those circumstances?

3. If you tend to feel overwhelmed by negative emotions, how might you start to make sure you are looking at your circumstances in a healthy way that reflects what is actually true?

4. When something triggers a strong emotion in you do you tend to cover it up, explode or acknowledge it?

5. Read Psalm 109:6-15. Does it surprise you that something like that is in the Bible? Remember this is the holy, inspired, perfect word of God! Have you ever felt like David? Have you ever prayed like that? Would it be right to pray like that?

6. Is there anything that you feel you could not say to God that He does not already know?

1. 假设某人有能力带走你痛苦的感受,并且愿把它做为礼物送你,你接不接受?

2. 你是否同意,不是你的环境决定你的感觉,而是你如何看待环境,决定着感觉?

3. 如果你容易被负面情绪压倒,怎么可能确信,你会以一种健康的反映真实现实的方式来看待你的环境?

4. 当什么事情引发了你强烈的情绪,你倾向于掩盖它,爆发出来,还是承认它?

5. 读诗篇 109 章 6-15 节。你是否惊讶这样的内容也会出现在圣经里? 记着,这可是神圣的,有圣灵启示的,神得完美话语!你是否曾经也像这时的大卫?你是否曾经这样的祈祷?这样祷告是否正确?

6. 有没有什么东西让你觉得,你不能够说给神,而神也不知道的?

To take away


Suggestions For Your Quiet Times This Week:


Consider the emotional nature of Apostle Peter. First, have a look at some occasions where he let his emotions run away with him and acted or spoke too hastily: Matthew 16: 21-23; Matthew 17:1-5; John 18:1-11. Second, look at how Jesus was able to look beyond these emotional outbursts and see his potential: Matthew 16:17-19. Finally, see how that came true when Peter, under the power of the Holy Spirit, became the spokesperson of the earthly church: Acts 2:14-41. Nothing in your character is so big that God cannot make something good out of it!

想想使徒彼得的情感特征。首先,看看那些让他随意发泄自己情绪说话冲口而出的情况,马太福音 16 章 21-23 节。 约翰福音 18 章 1-11 节。第二,看看耶稣如何能超越这些情绪的爆发,看到他的潜力:马太福音 16 章 17-19 节。最后,看看彼得如何在圣灵的能力之下成为地上教会的发言人时,他的潜力如何得以实现。使徒行传: 2 章 14-41 节。

你的个性中没有什么是如此固执, 以致让神不能塑造出好处来!

Big Questions (to consider before the next session):


Think of the worst thing anyone ever did to you ( you will not be asked to share it). Why should you forgive that person? Can you think of any good reasons why you shouldn’t forgive someone?

想想任何人对你作过的最糟糕的事(不要求你在这里和大家分享),你为什么原谅了那个人? 你能想出任何原因, 使你不能原谅某个人么?