Fight Depression (图)
文章来源: 纵然平行2006-07-26 17:51:33

I think that human being and depression have co-existed ever since the dawn of our existence.  Last night I  was flipping though  some of  my Chinese poetry books,  I came up a lists of poets who, I suspect,  probably were suffering various degrees of depression during their life; they were  屈原,  曹植, 谢灵运, 卢照邻, 岑参,  李白,杜甫,白居易, 刘禹锡,李商隐, 杜牧,   辛弃疾,柳永,李清照,王安石,陆游, 张养浩,  and 袁枚. Unfortunately, Some of them even lost their battles after experiencing chronic mental stress,  such as 屈原 (suicide) and 李白 (alcoholic).   

Willing or unwilling chance are we may be struck by some unpleasant events of our life which would make us to be susceptible to depression. For example,  when we lose our love ones, break up with GF/BF,  suffer terminal illness,  fail at school or work,  unable to find suitable job or school,    As the result the hurting ,disappointing, painful  feelings and emotions  originated from above events would intend to depress us.  But unlike the days of  屈原 and  李白, our time has widely available helps for us to cope with depression from psychotherapy, medication, self-help books to group therapy.  With these help and our own will we should be able to get out from temporary abyssal zone and to live a healthier and a happier life once again.  

Each person handles failure and hurting induced depression differently, therfore, the impact on each of us may also vary far apart. However, I believe that by applying proper approaches we should be able to alleviate the pains and suffering.  Moreover, we could seek professional help when needs rise.    

I’d like to share some strategies that I found out to be helpful to me for overcoming my “blues”.  


1)     Talk it out. Speak with family members and close friends about disappointments/grief /hurting openly rather to bottle up inside when it happens.  You will be surprised that how many people would understand the situations. Some time they would share their similar experiences with you and shed some lights for possible way to cope with. I discovered that communication assist me speedy bounce-back.


2)     Accept what has happened even you strong believe it was not fair.  I can’t change past but I surely have the power to change my  future if I determined. 

3)      Cease anger against other people whom I think might be responsible for the hurting.  Leaning to forgive has definitely helped me to heal faster. Note: Forgiveness does not mean that you’d agree with someone or something. It means to be think positive and stop brewing resentment that would burden you farther on the road.  

4)      Sweat it out.  I go to gym, run or bike, swim, play balls or have some funs with friends. Sleeping all day, listiening to sad songs, drinking alcohol would only make you feel more self-pity and miserable. Besides it may plaque you even further.  

5)     Visit local hospital. Yes, it helps me when I see some people who may battle life and death on the hospital beds.  I would soon realize that I am the lucky one  -J. 

6)      Keep hope alive. Remember, tomorrow is a brand new day and I may have chances to get back on my feet again.  

7)     Start a new hobby. When I learn new thing and discover the hidden beauty of life my spirits is lifted. I would be looking forward to start a new day. 

Failure and hurting are unshakable part of our human life, they have shaped human  history and defined  literature/arts in the  past, they are occurring  now in many people’s life who you are acquainting with  at this very  moment,  Sure enough,  it will  be certainly existing  as long as long there are human being on this planet. It is my belief; there is no reason for us to be dragged down by this.  Trough practices and helps available we can deal with it and we can become stronger mentally each day. Because given cutting-throat competition in most working environments weaker mindsets may simply not be able to make to the finish line. 

To survive and succeed we ought to prepare a health mind to fight and win.