文章来源: -realblue-2007-05-15 14:52:25
俺家小子们是铁杆的红袜子饭,一个赛季一百多场球每场球如果可能都要看(电视),球员的统计数字历史故事都倒背如流。每年LG还一定要带他们去次球场,为了他们长大了能说"when my dad took me the ball park,.....". 要在俺们屯你就知道,红袜子球赛是场场爆满,没有广泛深入的本地关系几乎就买不到平价的票。 单位每年球票有抓阄儿,抓到了跟中了乐透奖一样。黄牛票也买过,最高的一张二百多(平价的七八倍),贵得俺自己都不舍得去了,反正也不特别感兴趣。就因为搞球票实在痛苦,每次到其他地方旅游,都要事先看好红袜子在当地有没有比赛,凑个时间,其他地方的球票都会好买而且便宜。

就在这个周末还在说今年的票还没着落呢。 结果昨天天上掉下个馅饼,LG的大老板早上给了他四张位置巨好的当晚的球票,不知道是不是算是奖励他最近给公司做的一个DEAL。那些位子的票面价都要三百多,四张票要自己掏钱怎么也得四位数.  最精彩的还是当晚的投手是红袜子今年刚从日本花大价钱买来,人气冲天的松坂大辅,小子们的新偶像。

时间是紧了点,下午有网球课,足球赛,学校计划,明天还有州里统考。。。。但是。。。若为红袜子,一切皆可抛。 放学回来老二知道这个突然来的好消息跳了起来,老大都兴奋的说不出话只顾傻笑。二话不说赶紧换上看球的行头:红袜子球衣,帽子,手套。还捎上作业,去球场的路上在车里把作业做了。

这次是俺第一次跟他们去Fenway Park看球. 真还没有见他们干什么事情像看球这么专注过,三个小时,老大做记录,恨不得眼睛不眨,跟他们说话要等到换人间隙,连厕所也不舍得上了。 昨天的球赛很好看,松板投完了整场(在美国第一次),红袜子七比一赢了。他们总算过了瘾。 晚上半夜才回到家,今天早上只好让他们多睡点,没坐校车俺去送。

(后记)八个月后,老二学校演讲,他选的故事就是这场球赛。看他写的 (见附)真是记忆犹新啊。


Inning After Inning

It was the top of the 7th inning and Dice-K was on the mound.  The Red Sox were playing the Detroit tigers and …… wait a minute….top of the 7th inning and Dice – K was still on the mound?  Most major league pitchers are out of the game by the 7th inning.  Was Dice – K about to hit a milestone in his career?

Let’s back up a little…

Our family had just eaten dinner and was walking to the ballpark. The only thing I was hoping for was a Red Sox win.

The game started out like any other.  It was 0 – 0 at the end fo the 2nd inning.  In the 3rd inning, Dice- K gave up a homerun to the Detroit Tigers.

At the top of the 8th inning, Dice – K came out of the dugout and headed for the picther’s mound.  I was beginning to think that this was no ordinary game.  Soon, Dice – K had pitched 8 strong innings.  Would he come out of the dugout to pitch again in the 9th?

 He did, and the crowd went wild.

There was a lot of tension and energy in the ballpark.  Half of the Fenway was on its feet.  I was worried that the pressure would get to Dice – K and distract him.

 The 1st batter of the inning went down.  The crowd roared.

The 2nd batter came up.  I had a bad feeling that this guy would hit a homer.  He didn’t.  Dice – K struck him out.

Every fan in the stadium, including my family and me, was on their feet.  Only one more out stood between Dice – K and a complete game.

I held my breath.  Dice – K threw.  The batter connected with the ball.  It sailed into the outfield and was caught.  Everyone went wild.  Dice – K had pitched a complete game right in front of my eyes!

I could feel the ticket in my pocket as we left Fenway Park.  I decided that I would cherish it, and the memories it gave me, forever.

Thank you.