文章来源: 元亨利2019-05-26 09:32:27

因为有美国外交档案(FRUS)公开的方便,前面对英国同类档案有些微词。这两天花时间搜了一下,英国国家档案馆也有,网上可以搜到他们的信息,但是都没有电子化,只能是复印之类的,图片也没有,因此要收费用。而且FRUS是全集中在一个PDF文件里,一年一年的,英国的则是一份一份的。原以为英国资料比美国的多,因为那时英国是老大,两次鸦片战争都是他们打的,可是从搜索结果看,以恭亲王为关键词Prince Kung,只有70个记录,多是1860年的,应该是第二次鸦片战争打完,圆明园被烧,恭亲王出来善后,交涉比较多。这些记录也只是非常简单的标题,描述性的标题,信息量很少。



1860年9月21日,恭亲王给Elgin的信,这个Elgin是个伯爵,名字叫James Bruce,任驻清朝公使,负责战后与清朝的交涉。这份档案的题目是:Prince Kung to Elgin. Has been appointed Imperial Commissioner to succeed Prince I and Mu-yin.恭亲王的信的内容是,他被任命为钦差大臣,接替Prince I和Mu-yin,应该是怡亲王和穆英(?)。就这么点信息。

另一个是英国领馆的房子,一份是恭亲王给Bruce的信,同意英方将梁公府租为住地的计划:Prince Kung to Bruce. Agrees to Bruce's plan to rent Liang-kung-fu as residence,时间是1860年11月8日。网上搜一下,梁公府是淳亲王的王府,淳亲王名允佑,是康熙帝第七子。另一份档案是Bruce于1860年11月9日给恭亲王的信,指明:英方找到了合适的房子,但这房子年久失修,主人离开北京公干,每年租金一千两(银子),因为要装修,所以头两年租金用于改装,另外要求恭亲王负责将府中杂物移走:Bruce to Prince Kung. Has found suitable house in Peking, at 1,000 taels per annum. As house is in disrepair, will use rent of first two years to renovate it. Landlord is out of Peking on official duty; requests Prince Kung to see to complete removal of sundry items from house.


还有一份有点意思,是1860年11月16日恭亲王给Bruce的:Prince Kung to Bruce. Has signed and put his seal on 2,500 copies of the proclamation... ,这是题目,里面文字算是最多的了:Prince Kung to Bruce. Has signed and put his seal on 2,500 copies of the proclamation prepared by Bruce: 200 of which have now been posted up throughout Peking, 300 are reserved for putting up in Chihli and Feng-t'ien, 1000 to be transmitted by Royal Navy to Chinese authorities in Kwangtung and other coastal provinces, 1000 are returned herewith. Has also put his seal on 2000 of 4000 copies of the treaty prepared by Bruce for distribution. Requests that 250 copies of the treaty prepared by Prince Kung himself, 1200 copies of Peking Gazette and five official letters be transmitted by Royal Navy to Chinese authorities in Kwangtung and other coastal provinces.

说恭亲王签署了由Bruce准备的2500份公告(proclamation),这个公告可能是关于与英国签署的条约。恭亲王还加盖了印章,其中200份在北京张贴,300份要在直隶(Chihli)和奉天(Feng-t'ien)张贴,1000份由皇家海军运到广东和其它沿海省份,1000份送还(给Bruce处理?)。另外恭亲王还将其印信加于Bruce准备的4000份条约中的2000份上,以用分发。要求由恭亲王自己准备的250份条约、1200份京报(Peking Gazette)和5封官方信函由皇家海军运到广东和其它沿海省份的政府机构去。