文章来源: Ruby@Cuisine2006-12-14 19:27:43





    During the terrible, unforgettable ten days spent in the "prison", the only hope was to leave there and read your words, let you hear from me……
   Most of the nights, I didn't sleep well…… I waited and waited, until this morning, I was eventually dismissed. How excited I was! I rushed out of the damn place as quickly as possible. I have a lot of things to tell you, but, where to begin?
    The journey to Beijing did bring me too much unhappiness, and trouble. Last Tuesday, I suddenly had a fever, 38C, after the bath. To tell you the truth, when I found that, I myself was frightened. I burst into tears. I hurried to the hospital. There I was treated specially, because I had fever and had been to the SARS epidemic place--Beijing.
    Fortunately, results of blood and X-ray test indicated that I was just suffered from bronchitis (zhi qi guan yan). The cost of the medicine was higher than I expected, I didn't take enough money. At that moment, the dean of campus hospital appeared. He had got the information (in fact, the campus was really in mess, everyone was frightened by this news, I became very famous on that evening). He paid it for me.
   Then, he took me back to the office of our vice president. I must be quarantined right now, I was told.
    The first night in hospital was hard for me, no washing face, no brushing teeth, just sleep.
    On the next morning, I didn't have any fever.
   The dean of my institute came to see me and brought me some daily stuffs, including the vitamin pill you bought for me and my radio. I can't imagine how to spend the rest days without this lovely radio. I became familiar with the timetable of all programs.
   That is my all life schedule--get up, wait for breakfast, listen to the radio, wait for lunch, listen to the radio, wait for dinner, listen to the radio, try my best to fall asleep but always failed. I had no underwear, so I had to wear the dirty one for ten days. I even hadn't taken bath for ten days. No milk, no fruit, no coffee, no enough water to drink.. nothing. And I was also scared if someone else had fever in this hospital.
    Fortunately, I had your photo in my wallet.
   On the eighth day, we (some other students came back from the cities out of Shanghai and I) were told to move to another place. There, no one could escape because there was only one gate and two women were at gate. The new 'prison' is the deserted temporary one-storey building.
   One better thing was that my new room faced south. So, everyday, I sat near the window in the sun, listening to the radio.
   On the tenth day, someone came to interview me about my life there. What could I say? I swallowed my tears back.
    What an important and happy thing to regain my freedom!



