文章来源: 虔谦2008-02-04 13:43:00

今年一月三号收到的, 是对我前部作品<不能讲的故事>的评论,就象我许许多多的读者一样,字里行间是这样的热情洋溢,充满了读/写之间的美好感动:

THANK YOU! for a wonderful article!

I started reading one of your chapters (90s) and fell in love with "Luhua".  So like all your other fans, I went to the beginning, and read the whole thing for 5 hours until 2am on a work night.  I have not felt this way for years, so touching, so pure.  I loved every word you describe - you are a great writer! 

I work full time and have 2 little kids, and am amazed to find out you could write such a beautiful piece with a regular job and kids, in this country.   

I never comment on Wenxuecity, because I am always shy on my opinions, and not good at writing.  But I have a very strong urge to tell you how much I appreciated your novel, and thank you for making all of us think twice of how we should treasure our family and our lives.

 Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for a great novel.  I hope 2008 brings you health and wealth.  You and your whole family deserve the best of best.    

Kind Regards,  


感谢 Xiaoqing,  感谢我读者和朋友!
常会告诉自己:出版,出版个什么劲呢,有了这样的读者回馈 。。。

问候 Xiaoqing,也问候我所以的读者们朋友们,谢谢你们, 祝你们有个美好平安的新春佳节!