文章来源: 林贝卡2007-05-09 23:14:42

One night when my wife was preparing dinner, our little son took a piece of paper to her which read:

For washing the car......................................................$5.00
For making my own bed this week..............................$1.00
Going to the provision shop.........................................$0.50
Playing with little sister................................................$0.25
Taking out the rubbish..................................................$1.00
Getting a good report card............................................$5.00
And for sweeping the floor...........................................$2.00


His mother looked at him standing there expecting payment. I could see a thousand memories flashing through her mind. So she picked up the pen and turned the paper over, this is what she wrote:

For 9 months I carried you, growing inside me.............................No Charge
For the nights I sat up with you and took care of you....................No Charge
For the toys, food and clothes.........................................................No Charge
When you add it all up, the full cost of my love............................No Charge

Well, when he finished reading, he had tears in his eyes. He looked at his mother and said, "Mommy, I love you." Then he took the pen and wrote on the "bill" :"All paid." (Source :China Daily)